There are obviously many agreeing and opposing views in America’s political system today; why are some people rich and some poor? Is laziness and lack of motivation to blame for poor education and health? Are the situations for the rich and poor unfair? These are questions for Americans who often ponder our society. My first goal is to present an issue that is opposed by both parties and then consider which could be ‘right’ and which could be ‘wrong’ for society.
One example of opposing views deals with the educational system. You must ask ‘is education a right or a privilege?’ According to the 2010-11 Funding for Florida School Districts Statistical Report, the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) established a policy on equalized funding to guarantee each student in public education the services appropriate to his/her educational needs that are equal to those available to any similar student notwithstanding geographic differences and economic factors. In addition to this the state established the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund, which includes giving money to school from proceeds of the Florida Lottery and tax from slot machine (Rupani). Funds like this allow schools to reduce class sizes and meet needs for state programs. According to the Republican Party Platform, the Republican Party has many strong opinions when it comes to education and schools; they promote home-schooling and school choice to protect family rights and the privacy of education, they support voluntary prayer in school, they want to limit the role of federal government in schools to return to parents, teachers, and school boards, and lastly, to increase higher education with savings accounts. Rep Ron Paul believes that education and medical care are not rights but rather things that are to be earned. When asked about government loans for tuition he says, “No one has a right to anyone's wealth, I don't have a right to come to you and say my poor kid needs 500 dollars for an education, an education is not a right, medical care is not a right." He also replied that kids today are encouraged to work, but still don’t have enough money, and because of loans after college kids owe $20,000.
The Legislative Fiscal Bureau recently announced that 636 million additional dollars will be available in the two-year budget and many officials want to put it toward education. Democratic State Representative Gordon Hintz believes that by reinvesting in public education, the money benefits parents, children, and taxpayers. The Save Our Schools organization wants money to go to public schools and technical colleges. With this said, the Republican lawmakers believe the $636 million should be used towards state debts and other priorities (Krumholz).
So questions about where founding should be used, education, debts, programs, etc are debated everyday. Maybe we should consider that there is not a perfect way to fund schools, but rather think what is the best way? Schools do need money, tuition is on the rise, and debts do need to be paid. There are many ideas aside from money from the government and grants to provide for schools, fundraising via clubs, organizations, the web, PTA, etc.
Rupani, Meena. "Rep. Ron Paul: "Education is Not a Right" (Video)." TPM (2011): n. pag. Web. 24 May 2011.
Florida Department of Education. 2010-11 FUNDING FOR FLORIDA SCHOOL DISTRICTS. , 2010. Web. 24 May 2011.
Krumholz, Ben. "Extra public education funding debated." FOX 11 (2011): n. pag. Web. 24 May 2011.
"No one has a right to anyone's wealth, I don't have a right to come to you and say my poor kid needs 500 dollars for an education, an education is not a right, medical care is not a right."
ReplyDeleteI agree with this statement that Ron Paul made, but I think this is referring to higher education. I don't agree with giving hand outs, especially when it comes to college. I think it should be dependent upon your grades.
However, on the basis of k-12, I agree that schools should receive better funding because that gives students the chance to excel and actually start caring and thinking about college in the first place when they have access to newer and better supplies.