Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Yikes! High Loans and No Jobs?

As a student who is one year away from graduating college, naturally I am wondering what in the hell I am going to do after! But even for students who know what they plan to do post-graduation, I have read article after article reporting that the first six months after graduation is a surprise to them. With the economy as it is there is a high percentage of unemployment, under-employment, and student loans to top it off. While I was reading I found many reporters using descriptions like: low paying jobs, jobs unrelated to degree, less successful than past generation, etc. It’s very scary as a student nearing graduation to hear that there will be few options after devoting so much effort to a good job in the future.

According to new surveys done by Yahoo news, many younger voters will either vote GOP in the election or not vote at all. An informal survey done by Maddalone Global Strategies, 100 students ranked education, economics, and health care as topic issues to them. Many gave the GOP credit for “business-friendly environment”.

It’s easy to agree with Mitt Romney, a likely 2012 presidential candidate, when he says,

Another stimulus is not the answer: like putting a cup of gasoline on a fire, it produces heat only for a very short time. A stimulus doesn't lead entrepreneurs and businesses to make the long-term investments in people and capital that will help the unemployed get the good jobs they deserve.
Our high unemployment is a tragedy for millions, and it is a tragedy for America. If our society fails to offer a significant segment of its population the opportunity to participate in economic life, the broader social and moral fabric will fray.

Some Romney ideas to create good, lasting jobs are as follows:

•A tax policy that rewards savings, investment, entrepreneurial risk-taking and exports.
•Free, open and fair access to foreign markets, with a focus on constructive trade reform with China.
•Elimination of the federal bureaucratic and regulatory stranglehold on business.
•A market-driven energy policy that encourages investment in America and reduces our dependence on foreign oil.
•A commitment to fiscal responsibility through budget restraints and entitlement reform.


  1. As a student myself going into the workforce a year away as well, especially in the field of education where job openings are scarce. I worry about being financially stable and making ends meet.
    I definitely agree that Obama's stimulus is not the answer for potential job openings. I like that you posted some examples of Romney's proposals on suggestions to help with the job market.

  2. I feel like all politicians do these days is blame the other party. Bush poured a cup of gas on the fire when he gave us stimulus checks two years ago. That was a dumb idea. Obama's plan might be a dumb idea too. Thomas Jefferson is certainly rolling around in his grave every four years. Our founding fathers knew the dangers of a two party system and fought hard when they wrote the federalist papers to ensure that this did not happen. Too bad that it did. The two party system in England was Catholic verse Protestant. I don't remember anything good coming from that time period. Vote independent and make America OURS again.
