Monday, June 20, 2011

Republicans vs Democrates vs Youth

With all the hot topics and issues going on in the news today, it is very important that we pay extra attention and exercise our right to vote at every opportunity we have.  Many of the issues that I have highlighted throughout my blogs are current issues that are being argued by congress every day, but it is us who will eventually deal with the consequences of the decisions made. How will they affect OUR future? As I stated in my first blog, 24 million young adults between the ages of 18-29 voted in the last presidential election, this is enough to sway an election one way or another.
After researching, reading, and observing I have realized how strongly political parties divide the US. If we took the concentration off the republicans and democrats, and focused more on what politicians have to say or maybe even work together, I feel that we can accomplish much more in Washington. Although I am a registered Independent, I tend to believe and side with Republican views, i.e. less government in personal life, less taxes, personal freedoms, etc. But that definitely does not go without saying that I agree with all the decisions that the GOP is making.  
My goal in writing my blog was to help update under informed students and youth of political issues that affect them. Being the youth today means governing our country tomorrow; therefore we must be motivated at every chance of improvement.    


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